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Questions Relating to Physiotherapy

This page is to answer any questions you may have regarding physiotherapy referrals, coverage, treatments and other physio information.


Do I need a doctor’s referral to come to physiotherapy?

No you do not need a referral from your doctor to receive physiotherapy unless you are being treated for a WCB or ICBC claim. Some Private Insurance companies may require a medical referral for reimbursement and therefore, it is best to check with your provider prior to your first visit.


Does the government cover any of the treatments?

In January 2002, the BC government delisted physiotherapy treatment from the Medical Services Plan (MSP) for all those not under Premium Assistance. If you qualify for Premium Assistance, MSP will cover a total of 10 treatments of any combination of physiotherapy, non-surgical podiatry, massage therapy, or chiropractic services. For further information on Premium Assistance, visit the Medical Services Plan website.


Does extended health cover my physiotherapy treatment?

Most extended health plans will cover some of the cost of physiotherapy treatment. However everyone’s health and group plans are different, and therefore it is best to contact your health plan provider for more specific details.


How long will I be in the clinic for each session?

The duration of your treatment is based on the type of injury and treatment needed. However, one can expect to be in the clinic for approximately 45 minutes to one hour.


How many treatments will I need?

Every condition is different, as is everyone’s response to treatment. Your physiotherapist will advise you of an appropriate treatment plan after your initial assessment.


I have been in a motor vehicle accident. Should I go to physiotherapy?

After you file a claim with ICBC, visit your doctor to discuss whether physiotherapy is appropriate for you. Most soft tissue injuries related to car accidents respond well to physiotherapy.


What to do after a work-place injury?

Take the following steps:

  1. Report your injury to your employer or first aid attendant immediately. Your employer needs to fill out the appropriate paperwork.
  2. Meet with your family doctor and tell them that your injury is work related because your doctor will need to fill out the appropriate paperwork.
  3. You will receive paperwork from WCB or WorkSafeBC in the mail within a few days of filing a claim. If you do not, call WorkSafeBC to check the status of your claim.
  4. Book an appointment with your physiotherapist for an initial consultation.
  5. If your claim is accepted, WorkSafeBC will cover up to 8 weeks of physiotherapy treatment.


For additional information, please refer to the WCB website


What to do after a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Take the following steps:

  1. Report your injury to ICBC.
  2. Meet your family doctor and tell them that your injury is due to a car accident.
  3. Make sure you get a doctor’s referral for physiotherapy.
  4. Meet your ICBC adjuster and report that you are injured. Sign the Part 7 Medical Benefit Form within 90 days of your accident.
  5. Book an appointment with your physiotherapist for an initial consultation.

ICBC has an obligation to pay for your medical expenses, rehabilitation cost, and wage loss if you are injured in a car accident.  Your accident benefits with ICBC include up to $150,000 for expenses related to medical and rehabilitation services (including coverage for physiotherapy).

For additional information, please refer to the ICBC website